Tag: school
Where and How Children Learn: My Experience with Discovering an Optimal Learning Experience

Written by Annie Lacey Where: The Inner Universe of a Student With Divergent Learning It was not too long ago, when my bright, creative third grader began to dread going to school, meeting each weekday morning with resistance, which at times was fierce. The human need to belong to a group is rooted in survival. […]
A NYC Class’s “Backwards” Song About Letters

Erik Arnesen, a music teacher at a New York City public school (PS 18) in Park Terrace, Manhattan, remembered hearing how some children had difficulty decoding printed letters that looked alike when reversed. At the time, he only had a vague idea that dyslexia meant seeing letters and numbers jumbled, out of order, or turned […]
For Teens Knee-Deep In Negativity, Reframing Thoughts Can Help

(Jenn Liv for NPR) “Why didn’t she text me back yet? She doesn’t like me anymore!” “There’s no way I’m trying out for the team. I suck at basketball” “It’s not fair that I have a curfew!” Sound familiar? Parents of tweens and teens often shrug off such anxious and gloomy thinking as normal irritability […]
How Testing Kids For Skills Can Hurt Those Lacking Knowledge

(CrispyPork/iStock) Excerpted from THE KNOWLEDGE GAP by Natalie Wexler, published by Avery, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, LLC. Copyright © 2019 by Natalie Wexler. By Natalie Wexler In 1987, two researchers in Wisconsin, Donna Recht and Lauren Leslie, constructed a miniature baseball field and installed it in an empty classroom […]
School-based Identification of Characteristics of Dyslexia: Parent Overview

By: Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia Learn how schools use screening and progress monitoring tools to identify dyslexia characteristics, and then implement reading interventions for students who need dyslexia-specific instruction. You’ll also find out about classroom accommodations and modifications that can help your child learn, as well as information about referrals for […]
We Can’t Teach Love But We Can Teach Reading

Teachers can speak a lot of things into existence (a quiet line in the hallway, students sitting “criss, cross, applesauce”) but a love of reading isn’t one of them. Enthusiasm is a part of good teaching, but communicating a love of books isn’t the same thing as teaching reading. I learned that the hard way. When […]
Children’s Confidence Boosted Thanks to Dyslexic Artist’s Reading and Learning Resource

by Rossie Stone MY NAME IS ROSSIE STONE. WHAT HAPPENED TO ME IN HIGH SCHOOL CHANGED ME FOREVER. All my way through school I struggled with processing information through words, both spoken and written. Listening to the teacher was really hard, as was following and remembering information from books. After being at the bottom of […]
Confessions of a Parent of Two Dyslexics

By Barbara Pearce Barbara in blue, with husband Norm, and children, Hope and Bradley I am the last person anyone would go to for information about dyslexia. I grew up as the classic bookworm. My goal was to read every book in my town library, and, from the piles of books I checked out […]

Pigsy tells the story of an artist who struggled for his whole life with severe dyslexia. His school days were defined by the frustration of trying to make sense of the words in front of him. His teachers kicked him out of class, held him back for extra lessons after school, and had him repeat […]
Advent Calendar 2019

Soon it is Christmas again. The scent of (homemade) cookies and pine boughs fills the houses. Children are getting excited and are wondering what Santa will bring. To shorten the waiting time, we created an advent calendar. Every day you can download a worksheet that trains visual and spatial perception: mazes, coloring, finding the difference. […]