Category: Videos
The Easy Reading Card – Easier Reading with System!

Reading is the key to success. Anyone who reads well and who understands what has been read automatically learns the rules of correct spelling. Precise, accurate reading is a prerequisite for writing and learning. The specific design for children of the Easy Reading Card makes reading easy and fun. Scientific studies have shown that a […]
Sophia the Bionic Cat by Karolyn Smith

On behalf of 3 Paws Up, It is my honor to share our story with the readers of the American Dyslexia Association: My name is Karolyn Smith, I am the 2014 Veterans of the Year for the 71st District of California, Author of ‘Sophia the Bionic Cat’, Public Speaker and 3D inventor. I am born […]
British singer/songwriter Jonathan Taylor wins Akademia Music Award for 9/11 memorial song

Jonathan Taylor, known as ‘Odd Jonathan’ due to his profound dyslexia and learning difficulties has been awarded the prestigious ‘Best Folk Song December 2015’ by top record industry executives of the Akademia Awards, Los Angeles, with the comment that judges considered it to be: “Odd Jonathan, despite the name, offers one of the most lucid […]
What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia affects up to 1 in 5 people, but the experience of dyslexia isn’t always the same. This difficulty in processing language exists along a spectrum — one that doesn’t necessarily fit with labels like “normal” and “defective.” Kelli Sandman-Hurley urges us to think again about dyslexic brain function and to celebrate the neurodiversity of […]
EasyReading™: A Dyslexia-Dedicated Font with a “Design for All”

Dyslexia-dedicated fonts usually feature an extreme design, which renders them “exclusive”, making reading harder for all other readers. The EasyReading™ font has been created through the “Design for All” technology, whereby diversity is not considered an obstacle, rather an asset improving word comprehension for all readers. This feature renders EasyReading™ an effective offsetting tool for […]
CBeebies Star Launches New App To Help Children Learn to Read: Moftail and the Colour Thief

Cbeebies Joseph Elliott – who plays Cook in the Bafta-nominated show Swashbuckle – has written a children’s story designed to help children who are learning to read. The app is a joint venture between Joseph and his brother, Tom Elliott, who is a software engineer at Facebook. Moftail and the Colour Thief tells the tale […]
Math Shake: An Engaging, Playful App for Solving Word Problems

Math Shake is an engaging, playful app that helps students learn to effectively solve word problems. Math Shake contains thousands of unique questions which students turn into an equation by looking for key words and clues in the problem. Math Shake was created by elementary teachers with years of experience in helping students with dyslexia […]
If Only by Jonathan Taylor – What will you be doing to commemorate 9/11 this year?

Jonathan Taylor is a Profound Dyslexic. An English singer / songwriter born Warwick 1966. “Taylor’s music urges us to question why atrocities happen, whether they are individual or collective. He takes tragedy, seemingly internalising the pain and then slowly from his depths comes something beautiful, skilful, deeply memorable and strangely- immensely listenable. “ As an […]
New service can be trusted when it is important to get the grammar and spelling right in emails –

Mistakes in spelling and punctuation in emails are forgiven every day. This is no problem if the message is about being late for dinner. It is different if the message is to persuade someone to sign a purchase order or grant a job interview. is a new online service for business or personal use […]
Petition: Requesting the Government of India an immediate repeal of classifying learning disabilities as mental impairment/retardation

Petitioning the Honorable Ghulam Nabi Azad, the Minister of Health and Family Welfare – Government of India: Requesting the Government of India an immediate repeal of classifying learning disabilities as mental impairment/retardation Petition by Ajay Sathyan from Chennai, India My name is Ajay, and I recently discovered that I’m dyslexic after a series of tests […]