“The Janitor’s Secret” – Preview Video
The Janitor’s Secret by Cornell Amerson is the compelling and heart-wrenching story of a laid-off autoworker who learns profound wisdom from a janitor challenged with a learning disability; a story that changes the course of his life forever… Supported by factual documentation supplied by the author, The Janitor’s Secret reveals the truth regarding learning disabilities, uncovering the ways they irrevocably shape people’s lives. The dramatic story contained within this novel could spare you — or your child — a lifetime of mental anguish and heartache: because though The Janitor’s Secret is fictional, it reveals sad, terrible truths about the enormous costs of an education denied. Are you truly concerned about your child’s formal education — especially if your child is challenged by a learning disability? Then The Janitor’s Secret may very well represent a crucial investment in their future!
Category: News