Category: Dyscalculia
Dyslexia Research Center Online Shop

Check out our online dyslexia and dyscalculia shop for educational tools like Mathe4matics and Letters2Words card games, and the EasyReading Card. Also featured in our online shop is Dyslexia-Dyscalculia!?, a publication authored by Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller and Dr. Livia R. Pailer-Duller, which describes the necessity of intervention on a didactic level.
13 Simple Ways to Practice Addition and Subtraction

In my day, we just memorized math. I don’t know that I ever really truly understood much of what math was nor was I able to compute higher-level skills until I started teaching math and learned how to be flexible with numbers. Flexibility with numbers is a key foundational skill for young learners and those […]
Close the Learning Gap: Learnedy now for free!

CLOSE THE LEARNING GAP: Just because one should / must stay at home at the moment does not mean that learning and practicing should also stop! The Dyslexia Research Center has 25 years of experience with distance learning and, in cooperation with the American Dyslexia Association, wants to help parents to design meaningful lessons for […]
Dyslexia – Dyscalculia!?

The authors, Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller and Dr. Livia R. Pailer-Duller, describe in this publication the necessity of intervention at the educational-didactic level, which is of preeminent importance for success in the training of people who have problems with reading, writing, or calculating. Information on ordering is found here: Available in English, German, and Spanish. Download PDF-Excerpt! […]
Show me the way – A Guide for Adults with Dyslexia

How to help adults with writing, reading or calculating problems. This new brochure from the American Dyslexia Association shows the way for adult dyslexics. Essay by Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller Open publication
Close the Learning Gap: Learnedy now for free!

CLOSE THE LEARNING GAP: Just because one should / must stay at home at the moment does not mean that learning and practicing should also stop! The Dyslexia Research Center has 25 years of experience with distance learning and, in cooperation with the American Dyslexia Association, wants to help parents to design meaningful lessons for […]
10 Ways to Help Kids Overcome Math Anxiety

For kids who struggle with math – the ones who have trouble with math no matter what they try – it is not uncommon to feel anxiety when even simply thinking about math. As the mom of a handful of kids who struggle with math, sometimes called dyscalculia, I have had a ton of practice helping […]
The Difference Between Dyslexia and Dyscalculia

Both dyslexia and dyscalculia can make it hard to learn math. It’s possible to have both, but they’re very different. Dyslexia is better known than dyscalculia. That may be why some people call dyscalculia “math dyslexia.” This nickname isn’t accurate, though. Dyscalculia is not dyslexia in math. Continue reading here:
Dyscalculia and Brain Activity-The Connection, by Shradha Kalyani Kabra

The fear of Mathematics and numbers is called Dyscalculia which is a learning disability also termed as number blindness. Extensive studies have recorded that nearly 7% of the population with average intelligence have the problem. The innate number sense of the human brain is not in sync in dyscalculics as numerical ability relies on special […]
Advent Calendar 2019

Soon it is Christmas again. The scent of (homemade) cookies and pine boughs fills the houses. Children are getting excited and are wondering what Santa will bring. To shorten the waiting time, we created an advent calendar. Every day you can download a worksheet that trains visual and spatial perception: mazes, coloring, finding the difference. […]