Author Archive: Office ADA
Opera Singer Keith Harris Discusses Life with Dyslexia in Online Event on March 4 2021

Putney, VT— The Landmark College Center for Neurodiversity will host an online discussion with opera singer Keith Harris on Thursday, March 4 2021 at 7 p.m. Eastern Time. Harris’s presentation, entitled “The Gift of Dyslexia,” combines music with a message of inspiration and hope that draws from his 2019 book, The Odds Against: Finding the […]
Show me the way – A Guide for Adults with Dyslexia

How to help adults with writing, reading or calculating problems. This new brochure from the American Dyslexia Association shows the way for adult dyslexics. Essay by Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller Open publication
The Easy Reading Card – Easier Reading with System!

Reading is the key to success. Anyone who reads well and who understands what has been read automatically learns the rules of correct spelling. Precise, accurate reading is a prerequisite for writing and learning. The specific design for children of the Easy Reading Card makes reading easy and fun. Scientific studies have shown that a […]
Lexilight: Improving the Daily Life of Dyslexic People

Lexilight, the reading aid lamp designed for dyslexic people. Reading becomes easier, faster, and less tiring! A real pleasure. Our technology, which combines both pulsed and modulated light, makes it possible to erase the mirror effect that a dyslexic person sees. From now on, you will be able to read faster, longer and without eye […]
Feeling Smarter and Smarter: Discovering the Inner-Ear Origins and Treatment for Dyslexia/LD, ADD/ADHD, and Phobias/Anxiety by Harold N. Levinson, MD

In this groundbreaking book written for both lay and professional readers, Dr. Harold Levinson, a renowned psychiatrist and clinical researcher, provides his long-awaited follow-up work about truly understanding and successfully treating children and adults with many and diverse dyslexia-related disorders such as those found on the cover. This fascinating, life-changing title is primarily about helping […]
Puka Dyslexic Chat with Jamie Oliver by Sam Milton

It was about three years ago when I started doing my dyslexic blogs and pod casts with comedian Mark Simmons. For me at the time it did not matter whether people read or listened to it (other than my mum of course) because I was just doing it for me. I guess it was a […]
Making the Impossible Possible with Homeschooling

For many dyslexic children the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional classrooms doesn’t work and can leave them feeling frustrated, singled out and upset. This experience can affect the whole family and you may be left feeling helpless with little choice. Homeschooling is an increasingly viable option for many families. While the idea may initially seem daunting, […]
Sawing through Discrimination against Dyslexics

With greater understanding of the turbulent nature of dyslexia, the tangled chains of prejudice that some nondyslexics sometimes harbor, unconsciously or consciously, against dyslexics can be sawed through and disentangled to free both groups to be the best they can be. Thomas Ellison at Work. Photo © Linda Davis-Kyle. Sawing through prejudice is as difficult […]
SuperReading Course for Dyslexic Readers by Ron Cole

The SuperReading course is the most powerful, life-changing experience for dyslexic readers. This program takes a revolutionary approach to solving the issues around dyslexia, which have stubbornly eluded effective resolution since the 1870s. Ironically, the course was not developed with dyslexics in mind at all. It was created to help engineers, developers and hi-tech managers […]