Book Launch: Dyslexia: Time for Talent – The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Children – Early Years to University by Carolina Fröhlich

10/31/2013 | By More

Book Launch:

Dyslexia: Time for Talent – The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Children – Early Years to University

by Carolina Fröhlich

Time for Talent by Crolina Fröhlich

London-born and living in Surrey, Carolina Fröhlich is a successful published author, international speaker and educational consultant to parents and schools in the United Kingdom and British International Schools worldwide on dyslexia.

Carolina has dyslexia. Along with her many years of teaching children, Carolina is the parent of two children with dyslexia and dyspraxia. She draws on her professional training in specific learning difficulties, the hurdles she encountered as a parent, and how she overcame her own dyslexia to inspire children, parents and teachers.

Time for Talent is the only book parents will need to guide and empower their children through dyslexia, from the early years through to adulthood. It is the first book of its kind to address dyslexia from a holistic perspective. From personal and professional experience, Carolina knows that if dyslexia is not addressed early, considerately or holistically, it will affect children’s self-esteem, morale, achievement potential, self-confidence and much more. It can affect the harmony of family life too.

Time for Talent really supports parents and helps them understand what is happening in their children’s hearts and minds, what is going on in the classroom, and provides proven strategies to guide and support their child in and out of school. The book is the result of working with hundreds of parents who are frustrated and can’t understand what their child is going through, and unable to find the information they need at an easy, practical and empathic level.

Every child has a talent and Carolina shows the reader how to identify and focus on that talent whilst dealing with a myriad of learning challenges at school. She encourages parents to maintain a positive, sensitive attitude when working with children with dyslexia, concentrating on the different ways children learn successfully.

Carolina Fröhlich is the author of the highly successful spelling workbooks for children: High and Medium Frequency Words (My Spelling Books 1 and 2), which are endorsed by the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre in Surrey.

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