“I Wonder What it’s Like to be Dyslexic II” by Sam Barclay
“I Wonder What it’s Like to be Dyslexic II” by Sam Barclay
This book aims to provide the reader with a beautiful, design led experience of what it feels like to struggle with reading and is packed full with typographic experiments along with facts about typography, language and dyslexia.
People all over the world struggle with reading for a variety of reasons, including dyslexia, lack of education and an unfamiliar language to name a few. People with reading difficulty are often capable of thinking in ways that others aren’t and as a result are capable of true greatness, yet these people are often misunderstood and treated unfairly as a result.
Failing to encourage those with reading difficulties in a way that makes sense to them can limit (and in many cases damage) their ability to progress in life.
Great effort has been made to provide tools aimed at improving a person’s ability to read but very little has been done to give those around them an understanding of what it really feels like to struggle in such a way.
A year on from the first campaign and with over 2,000 copies of the book delivered to over 30 countries across the world, I am returning to you, the Kickstarter community, to help self publish a second version of my book “I Wonder What it’s Like to be Dyslexic”.
Whether you have a child, student, colleague or peer that struggles with reading or you yourself experience that difficulty, this book is designed for you.
If you choose to pledge and receive a copy – read it, enjoy it and most importantly, share it. Leave it on a coffee table or share it with your class or colleagues. If the course of one person’s life is changed for the better as a result of the understanding that this book can provide, we will have achieved something truly amazing, together.
With your help, this book can become available all over the world.
I have included my parents story of what they went through whilst discovering that I was dyslexic. Below is a short piece from that journey –
“As this was our first child going through school, we didn’t really know what was going on. We just knew something wasn’t right. We asked about his progress, and were told all would be fine and when he went to the Junior school, he would then catch up. We weren’t convinced, plus junior school was still a year away, so we kept a close watch on Sam.”
Who is this book for?
For you
Thumb through the pages of this book with your favourite cup of coffee. Enjoy the books beautiful typographic theories that are sure to give you a completely different outlook on reading.
Put it on your coffee table, stack it on your bookshelf or pass it on to a friend. If five people pick the book up in it’s lifetime, the chances are that one of those five will impact positively on another person’s life as a result, whether they know it or not.
For your business
As stated in the Equality Act 2010, disability discrimination legislation prohibits discrimination against disabled people in employment and in the provision of goods and services. This includes those with dyslexia.
With or without legislation, many businesses require staff and customers to read a great deal – whether it be T&C’s, returns policies, reports, daily emails… the list goes on.
Helping staff to truly understand what it might feel like for a colleague or customer to struggle with reading will greatly improve your business.
For your school/college/university
The impact of dyslexia is rarely seen in greater force than in education. Students that cannot learn to read have enormous difficulty reading to learn. If those around them – be it their teachers, parents or fellow students – can begin to understand what it feels like for them to be face to face with a page of text, the positive impact on their self esteem will be felt for the rest of their lives.
Kickstarter Campaign: http://kck.st/1hkk0e2
Author’s website: www.sambarclay.co.uk