Tag: dyslexia diagnose
Successfully Homeschooling Your Child With Dyslexia

Time4learning offers a free eBook called “Successfully Homeschooling Your Child with Dyslexia”. It offers information on what dyslexia is and on the different approaches to help children with dyslexia. There is also a chapter on helpful tools. The book is interesting, not only for home-schooling parents, but for parents in general. DOWNLOAD THE BOOK
News on dyslexia and dyscalculia

Now and then, we want to give you a survey of interesting articles gathered from the net on dyslexia and dyscalculia. Spielberg on Dyslexia: “You are not alone.” Despite being bullied in school, Steven Spielberg didn’t let dyslexia prevent him from becoming a Hollywood legend. Read his encouraging words for people with learning disabilities. READ […]
El método AFS Atención Funciones Síntomas

Una intervención pedagógica basada en una metodología didáctica. El método AFS Atención Funciones Síntomas Open publication
Dyslexia – Dyscalulia !? Now available!

Available in english, spanish and german. For those enveloped in a world of chaos, confusion and misunderstanding, Dyslexia Dyscalculia ?! is the new “iconic” global position system for minds that aspire for a better understanding to guide those suffering from dyslexia. In this awe-inspiring publication, renowned authors, Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller and Livia R. Pailer-Duller, perpetuate […]