Tag: education
Kids Can’t Wait: Strategies to Support Struggling Readers

By Kyle Redford – YCDC Education Editor Strategies to Support Struggling Readers Which Don’t Require a Ph.D. in Neuropsychology I have a confession to make. It involves a basic failure on my behalf. What’s worse, my failure impacted students whom I care deeply about: students with dyslexia and other language-based learning challenges. It involved waiting […]
5 Lessons Learned From Online Teaching

I’m a San Marino High School social studies teacher with more than 30 years of face-to-face, in the classroom, teaching experience. I’m also someone who has acquired a great deal of online teaching experience. As you begin to venture into the world of online teaching this fall, here are some important lessons I’ve learned. You […]
Dyslexic Thinkers Aren’t Disabled Thinkers

In the world of reading, we know oral language is mapped on to symbols we recognize as the alphabet. This is a sound-symbol relationship. When an individual struggles to grasp this relationship, the label of ‘dyslexia’ is often applied, implying a learning disability. This approach assumes everyone thinks and processes incoming information alike. What if […]
We Can’t Teach Love But We Can Teach Reading

Teachers can speak a lot of things into existence (a quiet line in the hallway, students sitting “criss, cross, applesauce”) but a love of reading isn’t one of them. Enthusiasm is a part of good teaching, but communicating a love of books isn’t the same thing as teaching reading. I learned that the hard way. When […]
Why is it important for a child with dyslexia to have good self-esteem?

Parenting coach, John Hicks, answers questions from parents of dyslexic children about self-esteem and dyslexia taken from the Dyslexia Show Virtual webinar “Why is it important for a child with dyslexia to have good self-esteem?” on the 7th May 2020. https://youtu.be/LK_dcW2t3Qg Key Links: The Studying With Dyslexia Blog article – www.studyingwithdyslexiablog.co.uk/blog/dyslexia-show-virtual-questions-about-self-esteem The Dyslexia Show […]
Close the Learning Gap: Learnedy now for free!

CLOSE THE LEARNING GAP: Just because one should / must stay at home at the moment does not mean that learning and practicing should also stop! The Dyslexia Research Center has 25 years of experience with distance learning and, in cooperation with the American Dyslexia Association, wants to help parents to design meaningful lessons for […]
Advent Calendar 2019

Soon it is Christmas again. The scent of (homemade) cookies and pine boughs fills the houses. Children are getting excited and are wondering what Santa will bring. To shorten the waiting time, we created an advent calendar. Every day you can download a worksheet that trains visual and spatial perception: mazes, coloring, finding the difference. […]
Embracing dyslexia

Embracing Dyslexia is a thoughtful and moving exploration of dyslexia from an insider’s perspective, weaving together interviews with parents, adult dyslexics, researchers, educators and experts to provide an accurate portrayal of a learning difference that affects between 15-20% of the population. Parents share emotional stories of their frustration over failing to understand why their children […]
Strategies for Working with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Will you be welcoming a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) into your classroom this fall? If this is your first experience having a child with ASD in your classroom you may be a tad nervous (well, likely more that just a tad). You may be wondering how in the world are you going to […]