Tag: perception
Dino – Perception Training

Dino – Perception Training – that is today’s freebie: Arrange dinos from small to big, find the dino that is exactly the same, find pieces from a picture. These exercises train visual and spatial perception and attention – important skills for reading, writing and calculating. DOWNLOAD (6 MB – file may take a while […]
Find the alien

Today’s freebie contains 3 worksheets with each two exercises. Children have to find a given shape. They can color or circle the shape – just as they like. These exercises train attention and visual perception – important skills for good reading, writing and calculating. DOWNLOAD CHECK OUT OUR FREEBIES
Robots – drawing and mirroring

Today’s freebie offers you various robots and a spacecraft. Children have to draw these into the grid, mirror them or make them smaller or bigger. Children are counting, comparing up and down and left and right. This trains attention, eye-hand-coordination and visual and spatial perception – important skills for reading, writing and calculating. DOWNLOAD Check […]
Tracing and pattern

Today’s freebie contains tracing and pattern exercises. Children can either trace the shapes, or they can trace the shapes and complete the pattern. Let them use different pens and colors. You can also laminate the exercises. Children can do the tracing with a dry-erase pen. This is a good alternative for children who have difficulties […]
Understanding Dyslexia: Infographic

We found this great infographic on Understanding Dyslexia over at weareteachers.com. If you want to know more on how to help children with dyslexia, read our Apple iBook Dyslexia? Dyscalculia? Source: http://www.weareteachers.com/community/blogs/weareteachersblog/blog-wat/2013/04/03/understanding-dyslexia-infographic
More picture chaos

Monday’s freebie was quite the success on pinterest, so we decided to offer some more picture chaos. This time we used black and white graphics from Cre8tiveHands. Again, children have to order the pictures which have been mixed up. This trains attention and visual and spatial perception – important skills for reading, writing and calculating. […]
Picture chaos

Over at openclipart.org we have seen a nice pinguin which has been waiting for an appearance in our worksheets for a while. The pinguin with all its disguises is perfect for today’s freebie Picture chaos. The pictures are mixed up and children have to put the numbers in the correct order. The pinguins are also […]
Easter: More reading and coloring

Today’s freebie contains exercises for tracing, reading and coloring. Have fun! DOWNLOAD
Easter: Reading and coloring

Only three more weeks and it is Easter again. Therefore today’s freebie contains a worksheet with reading and coloring. We like this kind of exercise because it combines many skills: reading, looking, comparing – all important skills for reading, writing and calculating. DOWNLOAD
Ninja perception training

Today’s freebie contains perception training with ninjas: tracing and finding the shadows. This trains attention and visual and spatial perception – important skills for reading, writing and calculating. DOWNLOAD CHECK OUT OUR OTHER FREEBIES