The daily sex (dyslexia) tips of a writer

12/08/2017 | By More

Tobias Stone was diagnosed with Dyslexia when he was 18, having failed to get into university. Thanks to his diagnosis, he was able to go on and complete a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree at two of the world’s top universities. He is currently completing his PhD, after a total of 13 years at University on and off, and he is a professional writer. His teachers were wrong when they said he couldn’t go to university. His message to other dyslexics: Dyslexia does NOT mean you are stupid, just that you find some things harder than other people. But also you can do different things better than other people. Never give up!

Here is an excerpt of his motivational article on MediumPlease follow the link and “clap” for it!


The daily sex (dyslexia) tips of a writer

I once saw a t-shirt that said ‘Daily sex, can you help?’
Then ‘daily sex’ was crossed out in pen and corrected as ‘dyslexia.’
I liked that. I was 19 at the time.

At 18, after failing to get into university, and having dragged myself, with great pain and anguish, through my exams at school, I found myself in an enforced year off. Ostensibly I was re-sitting some of the exams I had failed so I could reapply to university, but that was about as pleasant as regurgitating the same meal, and re-eating it, day after day. In the middle of all this I went to see an educational psychologist. The worry was that I was bright yet under-achieving, and there were massive inconsistencies in my abilities. Even in the IQ test they gave me there were inconsistencies. The IQ test is a series of little tests added together to reach your average score. In one test I got highest score the examiner had ever seen, and yet I was unable to answer two of the questions at all. Clearly something was wrong when I was getting between 0% and 100% on different questions, rather than an average of similar scores.

So they gave me a dyslexia test, and it turned out I was ‘considerably’ dyslexic (around 7 on a scale of 1–10), and unfortunately for me I was a bit more clever than I was dyslexic, so I had been able to compensate for the dyslexia fast enough that it had not become obvious to my teachers…

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Category: Books, Dyslexia, News

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