Category: Dyslexia
9 Surprising Clues Of Dyslexia in Children

Will Your Child Grow Out of His Reading Difficulty or Is It Dyslexia? Are you worried your child’s slow start to reading might indicate dyslexia? Is your older child struggling with reading, but you are not sure how serious it is? Should you act now or will your child’s reading difficulties most likely resolve naturally? We all know […]
Scientists May Have Found the Real Cause of Dyslexia—And a Way to Treat It

Dyslexia is often described as trying to read letters as they jump around the page. Because of its connections to reading difficulties and trouble in school, the condition is often blamed on the brain. But according to a new study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the so-called learning disability may actually start in the eyes. […]
Dyslexia and Working Memory Go Hand in Hand—How to Help Students Remember More

Samantha Cleaver on October 9, 2019 Brought to you by Learning Ally As teachers, we know that when students have certain abilities, they’re better prepared for school and life. Working memory is one of those things. We know it when we see it: Students are organized, know exactly what to do after you’ve given directions, and are […]
How Testing Kids For Skills Can Hurt Those Lacking Knowledge

(CrispyPork/iStock) Excerpted from THE KNOWLEDGE GAP by Natalie Wexler, published by Avery, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, LLC. Copyright © 2019 by Natalie Wexler. By Natalie Wexler In 1987, two researchers in Wisconsin, Donna Recht and Lauren Leslie, constructed a miniature baseball field and installed it in an empty classroom […]
5 Lessons Learned From Online Teaching

I’m a San Marino High School social studies teacher with more than 30 years of face-to-face, in the classroom, teaching experience. I’m also someone who has acquired a great deal of online teaching experience. As you begin to venture into the world of online teaching this fall, here are some important lessons I’ve learned. You […]
Close the Learning Gap: Learnedy now for free!

CLOSE THE LEARNING GAP: Just because one should / must stay at home at the moment does not mean that learning and practicing should also stop! The Dyslexia Research Center has 25 years of experience with distance learning and, in cooperation with the American Dyslexia Association, wants to help parents to design meaningful lessons for […]
Dyslexic Thinkers Aren’t Disabled Thinkers

In the world of reading, we know oral language is mapped on to symbols we recognize as the alphabet. This is a sound-symbol relationship. When an individual struggles to grasp this relationship, the label of ‘dyslexia’ is often applied, implying a learning disability. This approach assumes everyone thinks and processes incoming information alike. What if […]
The Ladybug Known as “Lil”

ADA has endorsed another award-winning rhyming story picture book by Robert Z. Hicks, “The Ladybug Known as Lil”. The story has the flavor of the wild west in the pumpkin patch. Ant bursts in the door of the Pumpkin Club to warn the bugs that aphids are invading the garden, and on their way to […]
Dyslexia and the Brain

Researchers are continually conducting studies to learn more about the causes of dyslexia, early identification of dyslexia, and the most effective treatments for dyslexia. Developmental dyslexia is associated with difficulty in processing the orthography (the written form) and phonology (the sound structure) of language. As a way to understand the origin of these problems, neuroimaging studies have examined brain […]
Humans are born with brains ‘prewired’ to see words: Study finds connections to language areas of the brain

Source: Ohio State University Humans are born with a part of the brain that is prewired to be receptive to seeing words and letters, setting the stage at birth for people to learn how to read, a new study suggests. Analyzing brain scans of newborns, researchers found that this part of the brain — called […]