Nearly 600 Cloze tests
On we currently have almost 600 Cloze tests to solve.
As always – there are no ads and no tracking. Please feel free to use them for school or at home.
What is a cloze test?
A cloze test is a test in which one is asked to supply words that have been removed from a passage in order to measure one’s ability to comprehend text.
definition from Oxford
A cloze test is a way of testing comprehension by removing words or letters from a passage or sentence and then asking the reader/learner to supply the missing elements. For this reason, it is also sometimes referred to as a gap-fill exercise.
With cloze tests you can pursue different learning goals:
- Cloze tests generally promote and improve reading and text comprehension.
- With cloze tests you have to read carefully and recognize which word, which ending or which letter is missing.
- Grammar and spelling are practiced in a fun and playful way with Cloze tests.
- also improves your vocabulary.
- The software approach chosen here gives immediate feedback.
The use is free of charge and free of advertising. Registration is not required.
Category: Freebies