Tag: free
Nearly 600 Cloze tests
On Cloze-test.com we currently have almost 600 Cloze tests to solve. As always – there are no ads and no tracking. Please feel free to use them for school or at home. What is a cloze test? A cloze test is a test in which one is asked to supply words that have been removed […]
Close the Learning Gap: Learnedy now for free!
CLOSE THE LEARNING GAP: Just because one should / must stay at home at the moment does not mean that learning and practicing should also stop! The Dyslexia Research Center has 25 years of experience with distance learning and, in cooperation with the American Dyslexia Association, wants to help parents to design meaningful lessons for […]
Close the Learning Gap: Learnedy now for free!
CLOSE THE LEARNING GAP: Just because one should / must stay at home at the moment does not mean that learning and practicing should also stop! The Dyslexia Research Center has 25 years of experience with distance learning and, in cooperation with the American Dyslexia Association, wants to help parents to design meaningful lessons for […]
TextProject – Free reading texts for teachers, students, tutors, and parents
TextProject is a website with high-quality student texts and teacher guides that are all available for free download. Text for students, vocabulary lessons and lists, professional development modules and videos – TextProject provides a world of open-access resources for teachers, teacher educators, parents, tutors, and students. Some examples of the resources you’ll find: BeginningReads™ TextProject’s […]
1500 free worksheets
The American Dyslexia Association offers more than 1500 free worksheets on its website. The worksheets follow the AFS-method , a very successful method to help children with dyslexia and dyscalculia. If a child has dyslexia or dyscalculia, it is not enough to work on the mistakes. The child also has to learn to be attentive all […]